Do not position hats on your models in a way that hides holstered weapons.
Do not intentionally stall or delay the round.
If players are waiting for you for the round to end, then go do whatever you should do for the round to end. (Stop hiding, go attack guards, pick your last request, etc.)
Do not intentionally stop the round from progressing.
The Warden must give his orders through microphone.
Excepted: if the server as a whole is lagging heavily for all the players making it impossible for microphones to be used. This happens extremely rarely.
The Warden must not make his speech hard to understand. Defined as;
The Warden must speak with a clear voice.
The Warden must not speak extremely fast on purpose.
It is the Warden's responsibility to make sure his microphone does not make it impossible to understand him. If it does and he kills a prisoner that couldn't understand his orders, he could be punished.
The Warden may not try to trick prisoners through speech alterations. (by altering the way words sound (were/where/we're/diamond says/etc.), mumbling on purpose, talking too fast on purpose, etc.)
The Warden may not try to trick prisoners by giving orders that could have two meanings.
For example; "All prisoners jump when I say the magic word go." Should they jump when the warden says "the magic word go" or when he says "go"?
Guards and prisoners may not try to trick other prisoners with orders. Only the warden can.
Guards must obey the Warden.
The Warden must be reasonable with the orders he gives to the guards and make sure they can participate. "Reasonable with the orders" is up to EVIP/Staff discretion but in general, means not intentionally excluding a guard from the gameplay. (Making them stay in a room the whole round, making them go against the wall and face it for the whole round, etc.)
Excepted: guards can refuse to follow an order that will inevitably kill them.
Excepted: guards can refuse to participate in the Warden's current game if the game may result in their death.
No teamkilling.
Excepted: If it's part of the Warden's game (prisoners vs prisoners) or part of a last request (guards vs guards).
Guards may only attack rebels, a prisoner they are last requesting against or a prisoner that has lost or completed his last request. Rebels defined as;
Disobeying the guards or losing one of the Warden's games. (See designated shooter rule)
Excepted: guards can not give impossible orders. (Turn into a dinosaur, jump 50 times in 2 seconds, etc.)
Excepted: orders that will obviously kill them. (Elaborated below)
Excepted: if it's an opinionated game. (Elaborated below)
Excepted: any orders given by guards are null once a prisoner gets LR. Guards can still kill the last prisoner if he's a rebel.
Having a weapon
Excepted: Part of a last request or if the Warden specifically allows it as part of a game.
Delaying a guard's or warden's orders or otherwise purposely taking longer than necessary to complete them.
Going in the armory, vents, guard towers (and their ladders/stairs) or secret passages/areas.
Cheating during a last request. Defined as;
Giving themselves an unfair advantage over the guard they are playing against.
Killing the guard in a way unintended by the last request.
Picking a new last request after losing against a guard.
Attacking a guard they're not playing against during a last request.
Using the disguise or speed buff.
Excepted: If attacking the prisoner is part of the warden's game (lowest hp left, sharks and minnows, etc.)
The console and button use logs may not be used to determine if someone is a rebel.
Attacking or killing a guard he is not LRing against or playing a warden's game against.
Prisoners may refuse to follow an order that will inevitably kill them. Defined as;
Going into areas that cause instant death. (Airlock, death pit, etc.)
Obvious exceptions are areas that slowly take away health for the warden's games.
Doing an action that turns them into a rebel. (Picking up a weapon, going in a vent, etc.)
Prisoners may refuse to participate in opinionated games. Opinionated games defined as;
Games where the outcome depends on the Warden, or someone else's personal opinion. (Best spray, funniest joke, how tough are you, talent show, etc.)
Trivia where the answer is not knowledge that is currently and commonly available to all through Google search. (What is my mom's middle name, what is the color of my shirt, etc.)
Guards may not gun or tool plant. Defined as;
Dropping weapons in proximity of the prisoners.
Excepted; with permission from the Warden, only if it's necessary for his current game.
Only tranquilize prisoners if necessary. Necessary defined as;
They are moving away from you and you want to frisk them.
Part of the Warden's game.
They are a rebel.
Guards may not intentionally block prisoners from following the Warden's orders. Defined as;
Blocking the way, standing on head, etc..
Adding any difficulty to any prisoner to win the Warden's game or follow his orders, whether by physically blocking/obstructing them or by giving them orders that delay/make more difficult/make impossible the warden's orders.
The Warden must explain the rules of his game BEFORE he makes the prisoners play it if it's not described in the help page's glossary.
F1 > Glossary.
Only the Warden can shoot prisoners that lose his current game.
Excepted: if he designates ONE other shooter.
Excepted: if a prisoner draws a weapon or tries to run away.
The last guard alive (or if the others have disconnected) may kill everyone left if there are 3 or more prisoners still alive.
This does not apply if they are the only guard to have been alive during the round.
No ghosting. Defined as;
While dead, helping players who are alive in any way whatsoever is forbidden. (Trivia answers, info about enemies, etc.)
Excepted: informing them of a rule.
Do not stay in the same spot for more than 30 seconds.
Excepted: prisoners can hide as long as there is more than one non-rebelling prisoner alive.
Guards may not camp in the armory or block its entrances.
Excepted: until 7:30.
Guards may not camp in vents or auto rebel areas.
Excepted: until 7:30.
Guards may camp the area where the Warden is giving orders and making the prisoners play games in order to protect the Warden and control the prisoners.
Guards may not open or close the cell door(s) without the Warden's permission.
Expected: If the cell doors have closed after they have opened. A guard may open them again at any time.
The cell doors must stay open once they are opened.
Do not act against a prisoner or guard for something they did in a previous round.
Simon Says can only be stopped or started in 1 way.
Simon Says can only be started by the warden with "We are now playing Simon Says".
Simon Says can only be ended by the warden with "We are no longer playing Simon Says".
Any addition between the words, subtraction or change of words means Simon Says has not started.
The warden must make his games fair for the prisoners and must not kill an unreasonable amount of them with each "round" of his game. Defined as;
Luck-based games must give every participant an equal chance of surviving or, if not all the prisoners are participating (refused opinionated game, or any other legitimate reason) a chance of at least 1/3 to survive.
Luck-based games may not result in the death of more than half the prisoners participating in that game.
Expected: Accidents can happen. But doing it on purpose can result in punishment.
The Warden may not arrange a game in a way that it will intentionally kill over 3/4th of the prisoners left alive with a single "order".
e.g; at the very beginning of the round, "first prisoner to type 2 is the only one not to die".
This rule is not applied to situations where the majority of the prisoners happen to lose or get tricked at a game that didn't necessarily intend to kill them all.
Games where the amount of health or speed a player has (buffs for instance) at the beginning of the game could affect the outcome of the game can not be played if one of the participants has more health or speed than others. For example, races with a prisoner that has a speed buff.
Favoritism towards certain prisoners is forbidden. Favoritism defined as;
Giving certain prisoners more chances of winning.
Giving certain prisoners less chances of winning.
Letting them sit out some games for no reason.
This is up to EVIP/Staff's discretion. Making sure all the prisoners have an equal chance of getting last request is a good philosophy to follow.
No intentionally giving special days outside of the built in method. Defined as;
Pool/disco/toilet days and keeping them there for more than 2 minutes.
Making a single game last the entire round.
Expected: This is unless a special day has been used
This includes a "free period", "hide and seek", "zombie" day or any event of the sort where the prisoners will very probably end up escaping, getting guns and the whole day ends up as a warday where the guards fight the prisoners. If you do give a game like that and the prisoners do end up getting guns and killing all the guards, you will be punished. If you can not make 100% sure the prisoners won't escape, do not make them play a game like that.
The first non-warmup round of every new map change may be made a freeday/warday or any other "day" by the warden. Other rules still apply. This is the only exception. Long live the tradition.
First Reaction/Last Reaction/Simon Says/etc. can't purposely kill more than 1/2 of the prisoners in a single day
Expected: If less than 1 minute remains (Doing this purposely will result in punishment)
If the Warden dies, the rest of the round is a freeday.
If the cell doors are opened before a valid order is given to the prisoners by the Warden, the rest of the round is a freeday.
The prisoners must be let out of the cells by 6:30. Once the prisoners are out, they can not be returned to the cells.
Being left in your cells past this time results in a freeday.
During freedays, guards can not give orders to the prisoner except;
Asking them to stop blocking a passage.
Asking them to freeze for 10 seconds for a weapon check.
The Warden may not restrict typing in chat.
It is forbidden to use your microphone while the warden is giving orders. (For both guards and prisoners)
Only the Warden can allow or deny custom last requests.
If the Warden is dead, no custom last requests are allowed.
Custom last requests may only last until the end of the current round.
Guards/Warden may not cheat during last request.
Healing during a last request is forbidden if it gives either player an advantage in the current last request.
Guards may refuse to participate in a custom last request if it gives them no chance at all to win the last request. (e.g; all guards suicide)
Guards and the Warden may not interfere in a last request they are not part of unless the prisoner is a rebel, then they may kill him. For example;
Blocking/bumping/distracting the participants.
Generally disrupting the area the participants are last requesting in.
Giving orders to the prisoner that has earned his last request.
Prisoners may not try to pick a new last request if they lose against the last guard alive.
During and after Gun Toss, the prisoner must throw first and decides the throw spot and direction. He must share the throw spot and direction upon request from any guard alive. Once both throws are completed, it is forbidden to lie about who threw the farthest and won. Losing guards must suicide immediately. Losing prisoners may suicide or rebel.
No one is obliged to do any variant of the gun toss such as "360", "no jumping", "no throwing", etc. Running, jumping and throwing from the same spot the prisoner threw or jumped from before landing is sufficient.
Prisoners may not pick a location that is difficult to reach to throw from. (e.g; in a bhop course)