Last Update:
06/15/2024 -
(Updated Old Information)
Jailbreak Commands
(Click to see details)
Waypoints (Colored)
Deafult White Waypoints: bind a +menu_context
+jb_waypoint {255} {255} {255} | OG+ Required
Red Wayponts: bind a "+jb_waypoint 255 0 0"
Green Wayponts: bind a "+jb_waypoint 0 255 0"
Blue Wayponts: bind a "+jb_waypoint 0 0 255"
Using the Store with commands
buy_model {model name} | Optional {amount}
buy_model skeleton
buy_model skeleton 3
buy_melee crowbar
buy_melee crowbar 3
buy_trail red
buy_trail red 2
buy_buff guarddisguise
buy_buff guarddisguise 10
buy_misc thirdperson
buy_misc thirdperson 10
equip_{section} {store item} - This will toggle whether something is equipped
equip_model skeleton
equip_buff health
sell_{section} {store item} | Optional {amount}
sell_model skeleton
sell_buff health 100 - This will only sale what you have even if you put an amount you dont own
Claim Warden
This is executed in the console
bind a jb_warden
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !warden"
Dice Roll
!dice or !roll
This is rolls a 6 sided dice
bind a "say !roll"
bind a "say !dice"
Coin Flip
!coin or !flip
This is flips a two sided coin showing heads and tails
bind a "say !coin"
bind a "say !flip"
Open Swap List
bind f2 gm_showteam
Join Swap List
bind a jb_swap_join
Leave Swap List
bind a jb_swap_leave
Open Main Menu
This is executed in the console
bind a gm_showhelp
Used to switch to guards team
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !menu"
Drop Weapon
This is executed in the console
bind a +menu
This is executed in the console
bind a jb_dropweapon
Pickup Weapon
This is executed in the console
bind a +use
This is executed in the console
bind a jb_pickupweapon
Quick Swap Weapon
This is executed in the console
bind a slot0
Third Person
This has no bind by default. The key is F6
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !3p"
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !t3p"
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !tp"
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !thirdperson"
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !3rdperson"
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !f6"
This is executed in the console
bind a checkuse
This is executed in chat. You can bind it to a key or just type it in chat
bind a "say !checkuse"